I play with 9 kyu commented by 4 dan
This game 4 dan give me rich comment on my game ^^ (I've learn so much)
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1500]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]
PW[umgalaxys]PB[KARELIAN]WR[8k]BR[9k]DT[2013-03-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+11.50]
;B[pd]BL[1496.646]C[umgalaxys [8k\]: hi gg
;B[lq]BL[1482.046]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: N4 usually isnt a great idea for W here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: it helps make M3 pretty strong
;W[pq]WL[1479.192]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: R3 is the instinctual response
Starstorm3 [4d\]: to any time W plays Q3
umgalaxys [7k\]: but will O5 make me weak?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: so back to here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: R3 is always tempting
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and sometimes its a great move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but in this case
Starstorm3 [4d\]: i really like P4
;W[oo]WL[1473.817]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: the board is so open
Starstorm3 [4d\]: that we want to instinctually tenuki
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but in this case,
Starstorm3 [4d\]: we cannot as B
;W[pn]WL[1471.79]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: the hane is great
;B[qn]BL[1459.766]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: but now here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has a very vicious move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: any ideas?
umgalaxys [7k\]: hmm
Starstorm3 [4d\]: Q7 isa little soft really
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W can be very punishing
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes in real game i move at Q7
Starstorm3 [4d\]: yea
KARELIAN [9k\]: r7?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: bingo ;)
;B[ql]BL[1457.208]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: ah same idea here
;W[qs]WL[1451.165]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is endgame though :)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: dont play yet
;W[iq]WL[1447.868]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: fine!
umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
;B[gq]BL[1426.665]SQ[pl][pm][pn][oo][op]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is an overplay though
Starstorm3 [4d\]: we always have to look at the global position
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has this big powerful wall
Starstorm3 [4d\]: ready to attack M4 if it jumps
Starstorm3 [4d\]: b will have lots of trouble
Starstorm3 [4d\]: making both G3 and M3 lives
(;W[hp]WL[1443.721]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is possible
;B[fr]BL[1392.85]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: so B can live without a problem
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but...
Starstorm3 [4d\]: now M4 is very sad
(;B[dm]BL[1379.624]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is too deep i think ;)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has a relatively thick wall
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and stones on both sides
Starstorm3 [4d\]: playing very close to strong walls
Starstorm3 [4d\]: isnt a great idea usually
;W[el]WL[1387.89]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: playable
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but B can do a sacrifice play..
(;W[bm]WL[1379.837]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: very aggressive
umgalaxys [7k\]: haha
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but as W here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: i think just seal b inside
Starstorm3 [4d\]: really really hard for B to live
;W[ni]WL[1345.633]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: sure
umgalaxys [7k\]: sure
Starstorm3 [4d\]: you're obviously welcome as well um ;)
(;B[nh]BL[1343.707]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: want to take a look harrison?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: locally O12 is fine
Starstorm3 [4d\]: however
KARELIAN [9k\]: wallz
Starstorm3 [4d\]: you're making G10 weaker and weaker
;B[go]BL[1321.45]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this ends up hurting you ;)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: careful about your eyes
;B[ik]BL[1310.811]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: knights jump is an aggressive attackking move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but its also cuttable ;)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and B probably does NOT want to be cut here
;W[jm]WL[1268.588]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: good W defense
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B isnt safe yet at all
(;B[hj]BL[1255.899]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: K9 important stones?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: err J9?
KARELIAN [9k\]: not raelly
Starstorm3 [4d\]: yea just two kinda floaty stones
Starstorm3 [4d\]: not doing much
Starstorm3 [4d\]: not cutting anything
;B[lo]BL[1248.497]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: big time overplay here ;)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: surrounded by W strength
Starstorm3 [4d\]: no way can live
(;W[hh]WL[1240.238]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: very aggressive move here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but i fear W is getting thin
Starstorm3 [4d\]: all sorts of cutting points
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes too aggresive
(;W[fh]WL[1233.262]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: oh ic
(;B[dn]BL[1189.323]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: not 100% eye yet
;B[nd]BL[1170.243]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: same concept here with the double hane
(;B[cn]BL[1064.309]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: :)
;W[bq]WL[1061.652]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: gg to you as well
;B[he]BL[814.73]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B not happy of course
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but game is still somewhat close
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if b can keep entire uper right
;B[lb]BL[691.603]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: doesnt quite work :(
(;W[nl]WL[669.217]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: ah
umgalaxys [7k\]: haha
Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is big
;B[mi]BL[622.657]C[umgalaxys [8k\]: oops
KARELIAN [9k\]: yep
;B[pk]BL[590.602]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: necessary?
umgalaxys [7k\]: no
KARELIAN [9k\]: nope
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has another good move
(;W[qc]WL[630.295]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: so what to do here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: is a tricky question
KARELIAN [9k\]: i feel like a lot of my moves are unnecessary
Starstorm3 [4d\]: the key behind it is counting
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W is behind
Starstorm3 [4d\]: then he needs to risk R17
umgalaxys [7k\]: R16?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but if score is close
Starstorm3 [4d\]: or W winning
;W[re]WL[626.07]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
(;B[qf]BL[579.408]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: so in this case
Starstorm3 [4d\]: normal fighting rules for attacking
umgalaxys [7k\]: so i have to tahnk you for your recomment before you sign out
Starstorm3 [4d\]: for B
umgalaxys [7k\]: thank you :)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: go out the window
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B can be 100% vicious
KARELIAN [9k\]: lol what?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: because B is superstrong everywhere
KARELIAN [9k\]: window?
;W[qb]WL[611.585]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: a good idea
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W should live here
(;W[rh]WL[607.416]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: dont be fancy though ;)
;W[nf]WL[582.077]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if you take those two stones
umgalaxys [7k\]: that is my mistake
Starstorm3 [4d\]: hurts your corner ;)
;W[sr]WL[508.128]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: good kill for B
Starstorm3 [4d\]: aggressive at the end ;)
;B[rs]BL[408.043]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: fun trade
;B[sk]BL[361.552]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: necessary?
KARELIAN [9k\]: no
Starstorm3 [4d\]: its just a matter of concentration
Starstorm3 [4d\]: forcing yourself to check each and every move
KARELIAN [9k\]: yep
Starstorm3 [4d\]: is it necessary
;W[sb]WL[336.802]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: T19 necssary?
umgalaxys [7k\]: not at all
Starstorm3 [4d\]: ;;)
;B[ia]BL[293.468]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: M19 necessary?
umgalaxys [7k\]: no
;W[la]WL[269.955]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: naw
(;W[jq]WL[255.732]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: hmm
;B[ss]BL[209.691]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: coulda killed big
Starstorm3 [4d\]: T1 necessary?
KARELIAN [9k\]: nah
Starstorm3 [4d\]: its all about efficiency ;)
KARELIAN [9k\]: and concentration
Starstorm3 [4d\]: well yes
Starstorm3 [4d\]: concentration brings efficiency
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but you both can see which moves are necessary or not
Starstorm3 [4d\]: thats not the problem
Starstorm3 [4d\]: its just a matter of forcing yourself not to play the instinctual move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and really reading and asking yourself if you MUST play it
umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
Starstorm3 [4d\]: alriught then, i gotta head out
Starstorm3 [4d\]: night!
Starstorm3 [4d\]: gnight
KARELIAN [9k\]: bye bye! ty for the review
umgalaxys [7k\]: thank you
umgalaxys [7k\]: bye
;W[]WL[192.362]TW[kb][lb][ld][me][af][mf][ag][jg][kg][lg][ah][ch][ai][bi][ci][aj][km][lm][ln][mn][nn][on][bo][lo][mo][no][po][ap][bp][lp][np][pp][aq][dq][eq][gq][kq][lq][mq][oq][ar][cr][dr][fr][gr][hr][jr][kr][lr][mr][nr][or][as][bs][cs][ds][fs][gs][hs][is][js][ks][ls][ms][ns][os]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][fa][ab][bb][cb][db][qb][sb][bc][dc][ec][oc][qc][rc][qd][rd][pe][qe][re][se][rf][sf][pg][qg][rg][sg][oh][ph][rh][sh][ni][ri][si][jj][mj][nj][oj][qj][rj][qk][rm][rn][so][sp][rr][sr]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: ty
umgalaxys [7k\]: ty
KARELIAN [9k\]: fun game
KARELIAN [9k\]: i very much enjoyed
umgalaxys [7k\]: me too
(;W[en]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: seems fine
umgalaxys [7k\]: oh
(;B[gb]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: fun counter
(;W[rs]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W palys S1 here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: he become safe
(;B[rs]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: throw in now
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W cannot escape
(;W[qi]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this way
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W lives
(;B[sd]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: no need to S19 yet
;B[pa]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B is fine
(;W[sb]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: just make 100% 2 eyes
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes but i'm too greedy
(;B[rf]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: for instance
Starstorm3 [4d\]: normally
Starstorm3 [4d\]: you wouldnt want to play this move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: cause W gets R14
;W[qf]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: but here, who cares if W gets R14?
;W[qe]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: W cannot make a center eye
Starstorm3 [4d\]: so B doesnt mind
umgalaxys [7k\]: hmm
(;W[pc]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: simple extend
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B fights back....
;W[qf]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: oh i didn't expected this move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: hmm my ocmputer may be crashing agian lol
umgalaxys [7k\]: oh no
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if i sign out suddenly sorry
Starstorm3 [4d\]: hehe
(;B[es]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B can live by ko here
;W[er]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: which is huge
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if this lives and B keeps whole upper right
Starstorm3 [4d\]: hmm
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W still winning probably
(;B[kh]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: protect weakness
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and attack K12 ;)
(;B[bn]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this way ;)
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes
(;W[nc]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: oh
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B tries to cut off O17
;W[ne]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: it appears everywhere ;)
Starstorm3 [4d\]: the double hane is a very powerful move to add to your toolbox
(;B[gh]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this is an eye though
;B[gf]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: VERY complex
Starstorm3 [4d\]: hehe
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but i think favorable for B
(;W[eh]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: at this point
Starstorm3 [4d\]: dont try to kill B all-out
Starstorm3 [4d\]: rather, let him live tiny
(;W[kj]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this seems simplest
Starstorm3 [4d\]: seal off that area 100%
;W[qc]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: yes and safe
Starstorm3 [4d\]: 3-3 there big!
(;B[gi]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W really wants J9
;W[ij]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B can give them to him
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and be happy
umgalaxys [7k\]: haha
(;W[hm]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: maybe here
(;B[gi]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: get outta there!
;B[ek]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: get away from that scary W wall
;B[bn]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: just simple seal right?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: yea
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B still maybe not alive
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and even if he does live
Starstorm3 [4d\]: so what?
umgalaxys [7k\]: B6->E5
Starstorm3 [4d\]: he's helped W build walls everywwhere
(;B[dk]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: this can get annoying
Starstorm3 [4d\]: for W
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W tries to chop in half...
;B[bj]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: hmm
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B can sacrifice D7 and wedge his way in
(;W[fj]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: W should probably do this
Starstorm3 [4d\]: build big moyo on the bottom
(;B[ej]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: a reduction move like E10 looks fine
Starstorm3 [4d\]: instead of direct invasion try to force W to get only 3rd line territory
(;W[bc]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: responding is fine
;B[dc]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: fire away
;W[be]C[KARELIAN [9k\]: what if w d 17 instead of b 17?
;B[ic]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: I afraid if black attack at C10
KARELIAN [9k\]: i have a question
KARELIAN [9k\]: about that joseki
;B[dd]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B cuts
KARELIAN [9k\]: sack the corner get influence?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: eh?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B is doing fine in the corner
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W to play?
KARELIAN [9k\]: idk these are hard
KARELIAN [9k\]: ummmm
KARELIAN [9k\]: oh ladder of course
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W cannot easily make this work
KARELIAN [9k\]: lol nvm
KARELIAN [9k\]: ummmmm
umgalaxys [7k\]: sacrifice jobs
Starstorm3 [4d\]: this isnt joseki usually
KARELIAN [9k\]: e 17
KARELIAN [9k\]: ?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: because its really ahrd for W to find the next move
;B[cb]LB[fc:B][be:A]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: C18 is a fun tesuji
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B takes whichever W doesnt
KARELIAN [9k\]: miai!
Starstorm3 [4d\]: right
(;W[io]LB[go:A][ko:B]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: but this seems simplest
umgalaxys [7k\]: may be better
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W can attack at least one group very hard
(;W[qr]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B tries to counterattack..
;W[qp]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: he gets stuck in double atari
umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
(;W[qm]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: the double hane is powerful here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W tries to use the cutting points...
(;B[pm]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: i mean B
;W[qo]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: he gets himself in double atari
umgalaxys [7k\]: nice
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and w takes back corner
(;B[qo]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B defends
;W[pm]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: much better for W than just getting Q7
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes
Starstorm3 [4d\]: now Q10 crying
(;B[pm]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: b needs another move
Starstorm3 [4d\]: not only lots of points
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and makes Q5 safe
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and prepares Q2 attack later
umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but also prevents a very mean W attack
;B[mo]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: let W have corner
;B[pn]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B not sad!
Starstorm3 [4d\]: moyo
(;W[no]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if you want out
Starstorm3 [4d\]: O5 is fine
Starstorm3 [4d\]: where?
Starstorm3 [4d\]: you mean wedge?
umgalaxys [7k\]: N4 or P4
umgalaxys [7k\]: yes or O4
Starstorm3 [4d\]: oh you have a peep sure
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but you're not in danger really
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and wedge doesnt work too well for B
Starstorm3 [4d\]: no W will not
(;B[np]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: so if black peep will white will have a bad shape?
;B[oq]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B can cut off one stone
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but...
;W[qp]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: W isnt sad
;W[np]LB[nm:A][pn:C][lo:D][mp:E][pp:F][pq:B]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B doesnt have
Starstorm3 [4d\]: the center strength
Starstorm3 [4d\]: to really try and hurt W
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has all sorts of moves
Starstorm3 [4d\]: to play next
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B cannot possibly stop them all
umgalaxys [7k\]: oh i c but
umgalaxys [7k\]: i still have a question
Starstorm3 [4d\]: fire away ;)
umgalaxys [7k\]: even b can't stop w
umgalaxys [7k\]: but he can exten his territory why attack this w
Starstorm3 [4d\]: well B isnt too safe yet either
umgalaxys [7k\]: I mean b gain benefit while w is escaping
Starstorm3 [4d\]: for instance
Starstorm3 [4d\]: B to play here?
umgalaxys [7k\]: I would play at C
;B[pn]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: a fine mvoe for B
Starstorm3 [4d\]: but W isnt the only one
Starstorm3 [4d\]: being chased
Starstorm3 [4d\]: N4 isnt safe either
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if W wants to be aggressive
Starstorm3 [4d\]: on the other hand
Starstorm3 [4d\]: if you just want W to make eyes
Starstorm3 [4d\]: simply
(;W[kp]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: he can do L4
;B[qq]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: W has a great tesuji here
Starstorm3 [4d\]: that yo should make sure to remember
;W[qr]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B tries the obvious cut through...
;B[rr]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: oh ic
;W[po]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: B corner destroyted
;W[or]C[Starstorm3 [4d\]: if B connects
Starstorm3 [4d\]: W makes flexible shape
Starstorm3 [4d\]: simple life
Starstorm3 [4d\]: and now it is M3 thats not safe!
umgalaxys [7k\]: wow
umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
(;W[lp]C[umgalaxys [7k\]: ok
Starstorm3 [4d\]: there are some more complicated joseki
Starstorm3 [4d\]: with M4